Aboriginal cultural models of mental health and wellbeing care

We worked with NSW Health to develop cultural models of mental health and wellbeing care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in NSW.

We reviewed cultural models of care in other states and territories, mental health and wellbeing strategies and frameworks, cultural safety frameworks and human rights frameworks. We consulted widely, particularly among Aboriginal health and mental health staff, people with lived experience, carers, ACCHOs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders service providers and peak bodies, NSW pillars, national experts in mental health and service provision, professional associations and people associated with prisons, emergency departments, police, intellectual disability, eating disorders and more. We based  our work on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander views of health and of social and emotional wellbeing, and we acknowledge the strength and generosity of the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people we spoke to.

We developed the basis for models that can be adapted to the different needs and desires of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people around the state, and to the different states of preparedness of local health districts to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

How can we help?

Let's improve the policies and programs that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

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