Why choose an Aboriginal-led team

If you’re an Aboriginal-led organisation

We don’t really need to sell you on this one. You will know,  deep in your heart, that an Aboriginal-led organisation is more likely than a non-Indigenous led organisation to get it – to know what’s important, to see what matters, to talk your language.

If you’re in government, university or business

There are many many reasons, including that:

  • you’ll be employing a team that is more likely than others to help you get the work done well
  • you’ll learn along the way, as will we, which will help your skills and confidence in the next piece of work
  • you’ll be following the guidance of the Australian Government’s Indigenous Evaluation Strategy, which says if you want to follow best practice, “evaluators are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people”[1]Productivity Commission. (2020). A progression pathway for the Indigenous evaluation strategy. Canberra: Productivity Commission.
  • you may or may not have a policy regarding procurement, that we can help you meet
  • your evaluation will be credible to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities with whom you work.

And there’s another way or looking at it …

If you’re wanting an evaluation of policies and programs that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people … why wouldn’t you choose to work with an Aboriginal-led team?


1 Productivity Commission. (2020). A progression pathway for the Indigenous evaluation strategy. Canberra: Productivity Commission.

How can we help?

Let's improve the policies and programs that affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Contact Yulang Indigenous Evaluation
